Halloween is a fun time of year. Everyone is looking for the best costume. There are your classic choices, but every year there is a wide variety of new costume ideas to choose from.
If you have young children then the latest Disney movie may be a focus in your home. For your little girl there is the new costume from the movie Brave. You can find Merida’s costume and a selection of accessories. Your little one can have a bow and arrow like the one from the movie and a red curly wig to make her look just like Merida. With Katy Perry’s new movie this year being so popular with all ages, there is now a Katy Perry candy girl costume. The accessories to go with the costume are a microphone and a blue wig like Katy Perry. The Avengers movie was hugely popular this year. For girls there is the new Black Widow costume to look like Scarlett Johansson. For your little boy there are new superhero costumes like Batman, Spiderman, and the heroes from The Avengers. There is a new Captain America costume with the possibility of having a shield like the one from the movies. If Transformers was popular in your home there is a variety of new costumes for your little one to choose from.
For teens looking for new costumes Snow White has gotten a makeover due to the new movie, Snow White and the Huntsman. For your teen boy
there is of course the Huntsman costume much like the one from the movie. For the teen girl she can pick between playing the part of good or evil this year. There is the queen costume from the movie or Snow White’s revamped costume. If your teen was too a fan of the Katy Perry movie she has a wide variety of new costumes to pick from. There is the Flamingo costume, the Peacock one and the Candy girl costume to name a few. For your teen boy there is also a wide variety of Avengers superhero costumes in his size. With the new GI Joe movie coming out shortly there is a variety of new costumes for your teen boy to consider.
For adult women a few classic favorites have gotten a makeover. There is a new Rockford Peaches costume from A League of their own that would be a great pick. With Toddlers and Tiaras new found popularity and controversy there is a new adult costume. It is a pageant dress like seen on the show. And of course for men there are new costumes to pick from. He can dress like Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean and get to carry a sword. The movie Ted inspired a new teddy bear costume. The Dictator also inspired a new adult male costume. He can sport sunglasses and a beard with this costume. For an old favorite the movie Dumb and Dumber has some new costumes out. There is Lloyd’s orange tuxedo or Harry’s blue one to pick from.
For a couple costume ideas why not try the new popular angry bird couple costume. The female costume is the red angry bird, while her partner is the yellow angry bird. For fans of The Avengers there is the couple costume that includes the Black Widow and Iron Man. If you are looking for a humorous costume idea there is the peanut butter and jelly one or the beer pong ball and red cup couple costume.