Crooked Hillary & Texting Hillary Clinton Costume

This election has been the craziest of all time and the most popular costumes this year by far range from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton to even Jill Stein. The Hillary Costumes are if you dislike her then it’s “Hillary for Jail” or a Crooked Hillary Costume. If you love her then it’s a Texting Hillary costume or a ambitious woman that is unstoppable dress-up.

Texts From Hillary
All you’ll need to make this look happen is a blazer, turquoise jewelry, an enormous brooch (turquoise also if possible), sunglasses, and, most importantly, a blackberry (or something to text on).

Hillary for Prison aka Crooked Hillary Costumehillary-for-prison-costume






Sexy Hillary Costume


or what about a Jill Stein Costume for a political rival?
